Rev. James Kershaw Best was born on Aug 22nd 1811 in England. He came to India in 1842 as a S.P.G. missionary. He worked at Madurai for two years and came to Christianagaram on 3rd January 1844 and started his missionary work.
Rev. James Kershaw Best laid the foundation for the honour and glory of present Christianagaram. His Service was not grown in a single day. He rendered his valuable service amidst several oppositions from the local Hindus, unfaithfulness of the Christians, diseases and death in his family, all did not deter him from going ahead for the missionary services.
Mary Ann Best, wife of James Kershaw Best alsojoined with her husband to preach and serve the people. In spite of all other worries in the family, she carried on the missionary service with her husband with all her heart. Rev. James Kershaw Best bought the land for the construction of the present Mission Bungalow, school and church. In 1844, he started a boy’s school at Udangudi.
Establishment of St. Marks Church at Udangudi(1845 – 49)
James Kershaw Best bought a land for the construction of the most beautiful church in Udangudi to glorify the name of Jesus Christ. On 17th September, 1845 Bishop Spencer from Chennai laid the foundation for the construction of the present St. Mark’s Church in Udangudi.
Sufferings of James Best’s Family (1847 – 53)
James Kershaw Best and his wife not only had problems with the people of udangudi but also had difficulties in the family. When Mrs. James Best was pregnant, their happiness was abundant. But, unfortunately their happiness did not last long, because as soon as the baby girl was born on 28thSeptember 1847, the Child died immediately after birth. The following year they had another girl baby born to both of them. She was named as Catherine Mariya, who suffered from several diseases at a very tender age. As there was no medical facilities those days, this child too died on 30th October 1849. The couple were broken and couldn’t come out from thispain. After few years they had their third child Arthur Bartinagar, a boy who also died afternine months in 1853. Even after the death of her three children, she never gave up her faith but continued her missionary service with a smiling face.
Opening of St. Marks Church in (1849)
James Kersha Best completed the construction work of the church with all interest in 1849. The height of the church tower was 39 feet. On 25thJanuary 1849, Rev. Edward Sargent, (later he become the Bishop) the C.M.S. missionary conducted the church dedication service and a special message was given by Rev. Robert Caldwell who later became the bishop. The first service was attended by eleven missionaries and 1100 Christian people. In 1989, the 150th anniversary of the church was celebrated in a grand manner. Similarly the church anniversary function is celebrated every year.
Letter of Compliment form Bishop Spencer (Chennai)
Bishop Spencer (Athiyatcher) visited Christianagaram (Udangudi) in 1841 where he preached Christianity under a banyan tree. Even today we can find the church, church Street; separate schools for boys and girls. It was the vision of James Best who took more efforts for the foundation of the present boys and girls school in christianagram. When James Best lost his two children he returned to England, and on behalf of him Rev. Huxtable continued the gospel.
Death and memory of Rev. James Best
Rev. James Best and his wife Mary Ann Best continued their service and missionary work, though they came across many sad events in their life. Later in 1856, they returned to their native place where they carried on the missionary service till their last breath. James Best was promoted to glory on 5th April 1889. Their greatest contribution to Udangudi was the establishment of St. Mark’s Church at Christianagarm.